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Healing with Aroma
Sandhya Bhat
Please note that this presentation, its content including art work is © 2010 Sandhya Bhat, and may not be reproduced in whole or part without explicit written permission.
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History of Aromatherapy
Since ancient times, plant essences have been used for healing thru various means. The benefits of these essences have been experienced thru-
Ø Incense (refer- for more information on the use of incense in aromatherapeutic healing)
Ø Perfumes
Ø Aromatic water
Ø Embalming ointments
Ø Culinary uses
The term “Aromatherapy” was coined in much recent times by the French Chemist, Rene Gattefosse.
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Apprehension for Aromatherapy
Ø Several medical professionals in the U.S.A. and England suppose that while pleasant scents can be relaxing, lowering stress and offering related effects, there is insufficient scientific proof of the effectiveness of aromatherapy.
Ø Scientific research on the cause and effect of aromatherapy is limited, although in-vitro testing has revealed some antibacterial and antiviral effects.
Ø Some benefits that have been linked to aromatherapy, such as relaxation and clarity of mind, are quite subjective and may arise from the placebo effect.
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Common Aromatic Sources
Ø Bark
Ø Flowers
Ø Fruits
Ø Leaves and Twigs
Ø Resins
Ø Roots, Rhizomes and Bulbs
Ø Seeds
WoodsSlide 5:
Essential Oils
An essential oil is any concentrated, hydrophobic liquid containing volatile aroma compounds from plants, which are called aromatic herbs or aromatic plants. They are also known as volatile or ethereal oils, or simply as the "oil of" the plant material from which they were extracted, such as oil of clove.
Essential oils are generally extracted by distillation. Other processes include expression, or solvent extraction.
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Carrier Oils
Carrier oils are used to dilute the strong and concentrated essential oils.
Common carrier oils are-
Ø Apricot Kernel Oil
Ø Avocado Oil
Ø Grape Seed Oil
Ø Hemp Seed Oil
Ø Jojoba Oil
Ø Sweet Almond Oil
Ø Grape Seed Oil
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Safety and Contraindications
Care should be taken while using essential oils, if one is also suffering from the conditions on which the oils have an adverse effect.
A qualified and experienced Aromatherapist along with your family physician should be able to give you a clear advice on their usage.
Always check to assure that the essential oil you wish to use does not have any known safe-usage issues and is not going to have any contraindications with any of your other medications (allopathic or holistic).
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Essential Waters
Herbal distillates are aqueous solutions or colloidal suspensions (hydrosols) of essential oils usually obtained by steam distillation from aromatic plants or herbs. These herbal distillates are used as flavorings, medicine and in skin care.
Herbal distillates go by many other names including floral waters, hydrosols, hydrolates, herbal waters, toilet waters, aqua vitae and essential water.
Herbal distillates are produced in the same manner as essential oils. However, the essential oil will float to the top of the distillate where it is removed, leaving behind the watery distillate.
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Classification of Fragrance
Aroma or fragrance is classified in two ways. One method that is used is to classify fragrance according to origin of the scent- i.e. if the origin is from a type of plant (plant part) or animal. E.g. Woody scents, Earthy scents, Spicy scents etc.
The second method, which was devised by the Chinese, is where a fragrance is classified according to six scent groups which in turn were named as per the type of emotion that was stirred up when their corresponding incense was lighted. E.g. Tranquility incense, Beauty incense, Luxury incense etc.
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Healing Common Ailments
Aromatherapeutic healing is considered a very gentle and non-intrusive means of healing and is supposed to be suitable for people from all age-groups.
In addition to successfully addressing and relieving chronic long-term conditions; essential oils are also supposed to exhibit preventative measures for certain conditions.
One of Aromatherapy’s most known and noted benefits is in the use of essential oils to relax and rejuvenate people i.e. in reducing stress and relieving stress related conditions such as anxiety, hypertension, insomnia and depression.
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Common Uses for Aromatherapy
Within Health and Healing-
Ø Relaxation and Rejuvenation
Ø Stress Relief
Ø Therapeutic Massage
Within Personal Beauty and Grooming-
ØPersonal beauty (in face packs, facial steams etc.)
Ø Perfumes and fragrances
ØLotions, bath and body oils
Within Home and Garden-
Ø Room diffuser and sprays
Ø Insect and bug repellents
Ø Linen spray
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Common Methods of Utilizing Aromatherapy
Ø Essential Oil Diffusers
Ø Potpourri
Ø Incense
Ø Sprays and Atomizers
Ø Creams and Lotions
Ø Bath and Body Oils
Ø Culinary Uses
Essential oils are added to various carrier substances to enhance the beneficial and healing qualities. E.g. to face packs, facial steams, culinary usages etc.
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Integration with other Healing Modalities
Ø with Herbal Healing (e.g. lavender tea)
Ø with Reflexology and Massage Therapy (use of aromatherapeutic oils)
Ø with Ayurveda (essential oils are used in accordance to the Ayurvedic healing principles)
Ø with Healing Foods (e.g. jasmine tea)
Ø with Chakra Therapy (essential oils contain within them various Chakra energies)
Ø with Color and Sound Therapy (essential oils exhibit a special vibrational synchronization with specific colors as well as specific music notes)